Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Help People Market Books

If you haven't considered how to MARKET your book, before you CONTINUE writing anything else STOP right here!

While you are still outlining the chapters of your book first consider all the ways your AUDIENCE will learn about your book. What AUDIENCE?

TIP #1 Know who your audience is that you are writing the book for. Is it fans of professional hockey teams? Is it elementary school teachers who want to stretch their school supplies money? Is it for Creative Writers or aspiring playwrights that want a leg up as professionals in demand? Read More >>>

Chapter titles can make or break the $1,000's in FREE media attention you can get. Get your chapter titles critiqued for your media friendly book. Send an e-mail to: with your table of contents. ($1500 value)

Ruth Anne Wood, Director
Scripting for Success TM
We help people take your dreams out of the drawer
by helping you write, market and publish:
Books, Client interactive web content, Documentaries and Plays.

I Help People Publish Books

With so many publishing options available, how do new published authors pick the best one?

Here are four topics to consider when you are researching the best publishing option for you:

Do you already have an audience or community for your work? If you already have a large e-mail and mailing list from talks, workshops, presentations and clients of 10,000 members or more you might want to consider writing a book proposal to grab the attention of a larger publisher who wants to invest in you and pay you 1-5% of the sales of each book. Read More >>>

Save hours of research and experimentation by talking to a seasoned publisher about your options. Send and e-mail with the subject line: Punlishing options to: